Leanne Nichol
Founder + Executive Recruitment Director
Leanne’s had unconventional thinking patterns since childhood. Her mind innately dissects and orchestrates relational experiments to make the seemingly obscure harmonize with the orthodox. Leanne can navigate the trenches by day, to then celebrate royal victories seamlessly by night. She instinctively believes we are all connected, therefore is invested in the notion that everyone and everything belongs somewhere, somehow, in its divine time. The fluctuating diversity of recruitment allows Leanne to flex her utility muscle, to ultimately exercise her purpose of serving and uniting individuals in a simplistic flow state with grace and ease.
Leanne leverages her humanitarian disposition and solutions mindset to generate innovative methods to bridge complexities while maintaining respect for traditional values and principles. She’s derived an acute awareness of self and has learned that personal evolution is fundamentally rooted in radical self-accountability and integrity. Allowing herself to be intuitively guided, Leanne encounters both adversity and prosperity with a natural sense of curiosity, logic, and authenticity. She consciously seeks to apply these concepts to each element of her life, resulting in a holistic approach to integrating and empowering people within her networks and recruitment business practices.
When recruitment found Leanne in 2006, she embarked on an instant success story. She’s experienced several trials and triumphs in this variable space as a recruiter and business owner, refining Leanne’s adaptability, tolerance, and humility as a visionary leader. Her impact within Executive Search + Placement, Small Business Management + Operations, Land + Engagement Consulting, and Motherhood have contributed to Leanne being regarded a maverick connector. She offers a balanced lens and functional engagement style to her client and candidate networks.
Full Cycle Recruitment + Retention • Strategic Sourcing + Selection Initiatives • Proposal Creation + Management • Policy Development + Process Enforcement • Business Development + Marketing • Business Writing + Polishing • Candidate Profiling + Marketing • Target Market Research + Execution • Associate Unity + Harmony • Contracts Negotiation + Relationship Management • Dispute + Conflict Resolution
Leanne is confident managing the variances of a 360-recruitment desk, and all ingredients of the recruitment lifecycle, to include:
Requisition Preparation + Marketing • Strategic Talent Sourcing + Mining • Interview Evaluation + Vetting • Short Listing + Selection • Hiring + Contracts Management • Onboarding + Contingent Worker Orientation • Post Placement Talent + Assignment Management
Janelle Nichol, Business Development + Client Delivery Consultant
A results directed sales professional with experience in a value-driven sales approach. Possessing comprehensive B2B sales and account management knowledge, with a substantiated and durable revenue achievement record. Independently responsible for acquiring new accounts and driving high-volume sales by managing the total sales life cycle. Effective communication style, highly organized, collaborative, and detail oriented with an entrepreneurial spirit and elevated EQ.
Demonstrated performance in various capacities such as new home sales, logistics, consulting, and international transportation. Consequently, equipped with an extensive network in an array of industries including Energy, Transportation, Land Development, Warehousing, Import + Export, Pharmaceutical, Event Management, and Crypto Mining. Specialties to include:
Areas of Expertise
New Client Acquisition + Onboarding • Client Engagement + Relationship Management • Account Management + Partnership Renewals • Sales Forecasting + Revenue Generation • Outbound Prospecting + Inbound Business Development • Knowledge Sharing + Team Designing • Target Market Research + Solutions Execution